1. Indledning
  2. Præstationskrav - teori, praksis og undervisning
  3. Bilens indretning, udstyr, betjening og dokumenter
  4. Manøvrer på den lukkede manøvrebane
  5. Bilers og andre køretøjers evne til at manøvrere
  6. Trafikantadfærd
  7. Grundregler for færdsel
  8. Grundregler for bilkørsel
  9. Manøvrer på vej
  10. Særlige risikoforhold i trafikken
  11. Manøvrer på køreteknisk anlæg

The little theory book

The most important rules


General speeds

  • 50 km/h within densely built-up area
  • 80 km/h outside of densely built-up area
  • 80 km/h Carriageway
  • 130 km/h Motorway

Maximum dimensions of vehicle

All measurements are with or without load

  • Width: 2.55 metres at the most
  • Height: 4 metres (measured from road surface)
  • Length: 12 metres

Regulations for towing

Using your vehicle to tow another vehicle is permitted. The distance between the vehicles may be four metres at the most. If the distance is more than two metres, the rope must be clearly marked. The driving speed may be 30 km/h at the most. Special regulations apply on motorways.

Warning triangle

With a crash or engine failure when the vehicle is dangerously parked and is a hazard for traffic, you must immediately set up the warning triangle on the roadside. On ordinary roads, at least 50 metres from the vehicle and on motorways at least 100 metres from the vehicle.


The highest legal permitted alcohol limit is 0.5 per mille (on the Faeroe Islands the highest legal permitted alcohol limit is 0.2 per mille).

  • 0.5 – 1.2 per mille = conditional suspension
  • Above 1.2 per mille = absolute suspension
  • 0.8 – 2.0 per mille = large fine Above 2.0
  • per mille = imprisonment

However, you can also be fined for driving with a per mille below 0.5!

Instructions for driving 

1) You must comply with the instructions for driving as given by traffic signs, roadway stripes, etc. as well as traffic lights.

2) Yellow road marking is used for temporary regulating, e.g. for road works and must be respected instead of any white stripes, etc.

3) In addition, you must comply with the police’s instructions, also where traffic signs, roadway stripes and traffic lights show something else, or where driving is in conflict with an otherwise applicable traffic regulation. Instructions can also be given by others who are authorised for this.

Traffic lane change and merging


When merging, you must be especially aware of:

  • Vehicles coming from behind
  • Traffic lane lines
  • Character of the road

Changing lanes

When changing lanes, you must be especially aware of:

  • Vehicles coming from behind
  • Traffic lane lines
  • Character of the road

Overtaking prohibited

Normally, you must overtake other road users on the left side. Road users who are preparing to turn left or are about to swing to the left, must be overtaken on the right side, i.e. on the inside.

Overtaking in junctions is prohibited unless:

  • There are several lanes in the same traffic direction.
  • You overtake on the right past a vehicle that is swinging to the left.
  • The junction is regulated by traffic lights or the police.
  • The crossing traffic has absolute duty to give way.
  • Be aware that it is not always enough that just a single one of these conditions are present.

Overtaking ahead of or on a railway crossing is prohibited.

You may only overtake on a hill or in a left curving road where the overview is reduced if there are at least two traffic lanes which oncoming traffic may not use. The ordinary prohibition against overtaking in junctions, on hills and on curves does not apply to overtaking bicycles and mopeds subject to registration. On a road with three lanes, you may not use the lane to the far left unless the traffic is one-way on all traffic lanes.


Driving in the dark

Be especially aware of:

  • Switching full-beam headlights to dipped headlights: 200 - 300 metres before the oncoming car or motorcycle. 100 - 150 metres before the oncoming cyclist or pedestrian.
  • Remember to reduce your speed before switching to dipped headlights so it is adjusted to the new length of visibility. When encountering oncoming traffic on narrow roads, the most responsible speed is 40 km/h.

Stopping and parking

What is stopping?

Any stopping of the vehicle with or without driver for three minutes at the most. If you have to stop in congested traffic or as part of a manoeuvre, this is not considered as stopping in terms of the Road Traffic Act.

What is parking?

Any stopping of the vehicle with or without driver for at least three minutes. However, if you stop for more than three minutes to drop off passengers or to collect passengers, or to load or unload goods, this is not considered as parking in terms of the Road Traffic Act.

Stopping and parking prohibited

  • On footpaths, cycle tracks, central reserve, traffic islands, chevrons or similar and on pavements in general.
  • On the left side of the road - except for less busy roads and roads with one-way traffic.
  • Closer than five metres from the start of the chevron lines at the junction.
  • In a junction or closer than ten metres from the nearest edge of the crossing roadway or cycle track.
  • Next to a chevron line if the distance between the vehicle and the chevron line is less than three meters and there is no broken line to the right of the chevron line.
  • On the zebra crossing or closer than five metres before the crossing.
  • On a railway crossing or other crossing.
  • In a viaduct or tunnel.
  • On a slow lane. On or in the vicinity of a hilltop.
  • By or in a road bend with reduced overview.
  • By the exit from cycle tracks or closer than five metres before the exit.
  • In way so that the vehicle covers traffic signs or signals.
  • By solid yellow curbstone marking.
  • By bus stops,12 metres before and 12 metres after the sign or by the yellow edge marking. On taxi ranks.

Parking prohibited

  • In front of entrances and exits to properties or so that entry and exit is made difficult.
  • Next to another vehicle that is parked on the roadside - except for two-wheeled bicycles or mopeds or motorcycle without side-car.
  • Closer than 30 metres from a railway crossing.
  • So close to another vehicle that you cannot get to it, or it cannot be driven away from the location.
  • By the 'no parking' traffic sign.
  • On a main road outside of a densely built-up area.
  • By broken yellow curbstone marking.

Theory subject test

"Basic rules"

Take a 12-question subject test - requires Platinum access.

Theory subject test

"Driving past vehicles"

Take a 12-question subject test - requires Platinum access.

Theory subject test

"Oncoming traffic"

Take a 12-question subject test - requires Platinum access.